About Us
As the nation's premier undergraduate human rights journal, the Yale Human Rights Journal is committed to furthering conversations about human rights around the world by lifting the voices of activists, organizations, and scholars as well as publishing investigative journalism, academic, and opinion pieces.
Our Mission
YHRJ aims to use Yale's platform and privilege to raise awareness about global human rights concerns. We also aim to be a model of what student activities should be, actively engaged in community service and a positive space for student mental health and exploring ones interests and passions with the help of a supportive network of fellow scholars.
The Team
Nikita Paudel and Eda Aker
Jessica Nyiam
Creative Director
Kasey Maquire
RJ Kelly
Chief Online Editor
Kalvin Verner
Outreach Director
Associate Editors
Aly Moosa. Elena Bouldin. Ella Mainwaring Foster. Grace Aitken. Joaquin Medrano.